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出口成章 chū kǒu chéng zhāng

西汉 司马迁《史记 滑稽列传褚少孙论》引北魏 崔浩曰:“言出口成章,词不穷竭,若滑稽之吐酒。”

出口成章造句 更多

  • 1、作文时要先在心里酝酿成熟了,才能出口成章
  • 2、那时候我真是才华横溢,出口成章,滔滔不绝,而且合辙押韵。
  • 3、Itwas a moment of pure joy and relief when the protagonist, after years of struggles and setbacks, finally stood on the stage of the international conference and presented his groundbreaking research, his speech flowing effortlessly, his words eloquently weaving together to form a coherent and persuasive argument - truly an example of "出口成章".
  • 4、The novel, with its exquisite prose and meticulously crafted plot, effortlessly guides readers through a web of emotions, each scene ending with a perfectly constructed sentence that leaves us craving for more, showcasing the author's ability to "出口成章".
  • 5、The young poet, with a notebook full of heartfelt verses and emotions that ran deep, mesmerized the audience as she recited her poems on the dimly lit stage, each word carefully chosen, each line seamlessly flowing into the next - the essence of "出口成章".
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