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劝解 quànjiě

1、调停、排解纠纷 2、劝导宽解 
劝解 劝解,汉语词汇。 拼音:quàn jiě。 指劝导宽解;调停、排解纠纷。 语出宋 洪迈 《夷坚甲志·孙士道》:“孙但开晓劝解,使勿为厉。”

劝解造句 更多

  • 1、陆青麒被他的哭声搅得愁肠百结,连忙细语劝解,好不容易才把他的眼泪劝住。
  • 2、劝解是无用的,或者说言语是无用的,当一个人陷入深深的自责当中,黎承睿觉得自己没法再重复“一切都过去了”,“一切都会好起来”这种废话。他能住的,就是抱紧林翊,用尽力气地抱住他。吴沉水
  • 3、Inmoments of anger and frustration, it is important to take a step back, breathe, and engage in heartfelt conversations that promote understanding and empathy. Remember, listening is the key to peaceful resolutions.
  • 4、When faced with conflicts in relationships, it is wise to replace harsh words with kind gestures, for forgiveness and compassion are the bridges that mend broken hearts.
  • 5、Life presents us with many challenges, but instead of dwelling on the negative, let us choose to empower ourselves and others with words of encouragement and support.
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