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反驳 fǎnbó

反驳 反驳,指提出反对的理由辩驳;反对;犹言对立,矛盾。语出《后汉书·文苑传下·赵壹》:“伊五帝之不同礼, 三王亦又不同乐,数极自然变化,非是故相反驳。”

反驳造句 更多

  • 1、他反驳说,为了揭示真相并为了挽回损失,我们必须保持相反的立场。
  • 2、哎呀呀,我还以为白珉老奴才,拿出勇气反驳了。
  • 3、Contrary to popular belief, technology does not dehumanize our society; it actually enhances our communication and connections with others, allowing us to express ourselves and share our experiences on a global scale.
  • 4、While some may argue that money is the root of all evil, it is important to acknowledge that it is not money itself, but rather how we choose to use it, that determines its impact on our lives and society.
  • 5、Itis unjust to generalize an entire group of people based on the actions of a few individuals; we must judge each person on their own merits and not let stereotypes cloud our judgment.
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