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喜欢 xǐhuān

1、喜爱 2、愉快;高兴 
喜欢 (汉语词语) 喜欢一词,泛指喜爱的意思,也有愉快、高兴、开心的意思,喜欢实际上是一种感觉,包含欣赏、仰慕、钦佩、倾心爱慕、爱、崇拜。

喜欢造句 更多

  • 1、一年前的那天晚上,又是闪电又是打雷,雷声非常响亮。全家都很害怕,可是我非常喜欢闪电。
  • 2、我喜欢梅花,它枝干虬劲,在寒风凛冽白雪飘飞的时节,依然能斗雪怒放,坚韧不屈。它“万花敢向雪中出,一树独先天下春。”梅花在艰苦的环境中也能保持本色,在冬末春初能梅开两度。
  • 3、Ieally like the feeling of sunshine warming my skin and the breeze gently caressing my face while walking along the beach, it brings me such happiness and tranquility.
  • 4、The way my mother cooks, with love and attention to every detail, makes me absolutely adore her homemade meals.
  • 5、Dancing with my friends under the moonlight, with the rhythm of music bringing us together, fills me with pure joy and makes me feel alive.
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