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展望未来造句 更多

  • 1、在反思中展望未来,在痛苦中学会释怀,因为每天的太阳都是新的。
  • 2、风吹动了相册的一页,思绪渐渐回到现在,那一个一个的足迹,组成了我的回忆。但是,我们现在要做的不是回首过去,而是要展望未来,用自己的生命,在世界上留下一个最大最美的足迹。
  • 3、Aswe envision the future, I see a society where technology is harnessed for the greater good, enabling incredible advancements in healthcare, education, and connectivity that revolutionize the way we live.
  • 4、When I think about the future, I imagine a world where poverty and hunger are nonexistent, where every individual has access to basic necessities and opportunities, ensuring a more equitable and just society.
  • 5、AsI ponder the future, I hope for a world where education is universally accessible and valued, empowering individuals to unlock their full potential and contribute to the progress of society.
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