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攻击 gōngjī

1、发起或发动进攻 2、对…发动军事进攻 3、激烈指责;中伤 
攻击 (计算机术语) 因其他个体或事物反对自己而采取的敌对性、破坏性的冲动行为或个体受到挫折后,引起愤怒的情绪,对构成挫折的人或物进行直接攻击的行为称为攻击。 攻击 (汉语词语) 攻击,指发起或发动进攻。语出《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“周文武所封子弟同姓甚众,然后属疏远,相攻击如仇讎。”

攻击造句 更多

  • 1、你的攻击实在不留余地!刚才真是苦战。
  • 2、当这些特殊事件被大书特书时,可追溯至1999年的ddos攻击也导致了"为阿桑奇复仇行动"。
  • 3、The relentless waves of criticism and accusations launched against her by the media felt like a personal attack on her character, leaving her feeling defenseless and vulnerable.
  • 4、The sheer magnitude of the cyber attack completely crippled the company's online infrastructure, causing severe financial losses and reputation damage that would be difficult to recover from.
  • 5、The piercing words of his ex-partner's verbal assault hit him like a dagger to the heart, shattering his self-esteem and leaving him questioning his own worth.
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