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疑惑 yíhuò

1、迷惑,不理解 2、怀疑,不相信 3、疑虑不安,犹豫不定 
疑惑 《疑惑》根据松本清张同名小说改编的悬疑电视剧,该剧由藤田明二执导,田村正和、泽口靖子等主演。 该剧讲述了金泽料理店金城楼的老板福太郎,其生前买有8亿的生命保险。于是妻子球磨子便因涉嫌为占有保险金,制造事故谋杀亲夫而被媒体和警方怀疑的故事。 疑惑 (汉语词语) 疑惑,汉语词汇。 拼音:yí huò 意思是对人和事物有疑虑和困惑。疑惑的神情,不相信,有疑心,迷乱。困惑不解,犹豫不定,难以决断等。

疑惑造句 更多

  • 1、桂林接力文化艺术有限公司想涉足动漫产业,但需提出怎样的申请条件和如何快速办结,企业颇感疑惑
  • 2、在你疑惑不解的时候,有一种声音告诉你答案,是希望;在你迷茫无助的时候,有一只手,冥冥中帮助你,是希望;在你穷困潦倒时,有一笔财富默默救助你,是希望;在你走投无路时,有一盏明灯为你照亮前行的路,是希望。
  • 3、AsI watched the vibrant sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and confusion about the mysteries of the universe.
  • 4、Standing in front of the intricate labyrinth, I couldn't help but feel a sense of bewilderment, unsure of which path to take in this journey called life.
  • 5、AsI listened to the orchestra's mesmerizing performance, I found myself immersed in the music, yet filled with a sense of perplexity about the emotions it evoked within me.
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