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镇静 zhènjìng

镇静 (字词释义) 镇静:静。出自《国语·晋语七》:“ 黶 也果敢, 无忌 镇静。” 韦昭注:“镇,重也;静,安也。”一本作“ 镇靖 ”。 唐 刘禹锡《荐处士王龟状》:“古者选公族大夫,必以惇惠者教之,文敏者道之,果敢者谂之,镇静者循之。” 清 魏源《默觚下·治篇十一》:“以持禄养骄为镇静,以深虑远计为狂愚。

镇静造句 更多

  • 1、迈克尔讲话轻柔,那种平静让我怀疑他是不是吃了镇静药。
  • 2、谈到喝酒,你一定喜欢的地方就是每一口都是无法挽回的决定。你直冲向前,掌控着这场游戏。这就和**、吃镇静剂和止痛药一样,每一次都是踏向某条路口决定性的一步。
  • 3、Standing at the edge of the cliff, I took a deep breath and tried my best to remain calm and composed, feeling a sense of tranquility washing over me.
  • 4、Despite the chaos and panic around me, I managed to stay composed and focused, my mind clear and my heart steady.
  • 5、Asthe waves crashed against the shore and the storm raged on, I found solace in the serene beauty of the ocean, allowing it to calm my racing thoughts.
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