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利他主义造句 更多

  • 1、社会上存在着明确的社会机制来促进利他主义,例如:对处罚的恐惧,对声誉的建立,公平的概念,和来自由宗教或权威人物的谆谆教诲等等。
  • 2、中国几千年的*制制度,推崇的都是“国家至上”“社会至上”的集体主义价值观,利他主义,个*权利不可剥夺、财产私有的观念被铲除得几乎一干二净源自知之小工具。
  • 3、Inthe face of adversity, true altruism emerges as a guiding force, reminding us to lend a helping hand to those in need without seeking personal gain or recognition.
  • 4、Altruism is a timeless virtue that teaches us the power of selflessness and compels us to put others' needs before our own, nurturing a sense of compassion and empathy within our communities.
  • 5、The beauty of altruism lies not only in the act of giving, but in the profound impact it has on the receiver, filling their hearts with hope and reminding them that they are not alone in their struggles.
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