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利己主义造句 更多

  • 1、我还挺支持汪峰这次护犊子的,在这个商业规则清晰,利己主义横行的时代,护犊子有时候真的算是一种美德了。
  • 2、然而它本身就是旅游景点的卖点,难闻的鱼市场一直是几十年来利己主义的真实写照。
  • 3、Inthe world of fierce competition, the philosophy of utilitarianism advocates individuals to prioritize their own interests, pushing them to work harder, seize more opportunities, and ultimately achieve personal success.
  • 4、Selfishness often emerges in situations where individuals strive to maximize their own gains without considering the collective well-being, leading to a society where ethical values are compromised and trust between people diminishes.
  • 5、From an evolutionary perspective, humans' innate desire for self-preservation and self-advancement drives them to adopt a utilitarian approach, as it promotes the survival and progress of the individual in a highly competitive environment.
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