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剽窃 piāoqiè

1、抄袭[别人的思想或言词];采用[创作出的产品]而不说出其来源 2、掠夺 
剽窃 剽窃,指抄袭(别人的思想或言词);采用(创作出的产品)而不说出其来源。如:他的一本学术著作曾被厚颜无耻地剽窃,并以缩写形式发行。

剽窃造句 更多

  • 1、老剽窃者不死,只偷偷走开。
  • 2、盗用我的译文的‘山寨’版本达30多个,有的将我的译文改头换面张冠李戴,有的索性原样剽窃,只改窜译者署名;有些是删节本,有些是‘残缺不全’本。
  • 3、Despite the immense pressure to produce original work, some individuals choose to take the easy way out by resorting to plagiarism, willfully robbing others of their rightful recognition and betraying the fundamental values of intellectual honesty and integrity.
  • 4、Plagiarism is akin to plucking the fruits of someone else's labor without acknowledging their hard work and dedication, rendering one's own achievements hollow and devoid of authenticity.
  • 5、The relentless pursuit of academic excellence should be fueled by genuine passion and dedication, not by the desire to cut corners and claim credit for the intellectual property of others through acts of plagiarism.
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