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反抗 fǎnkàng

反抗 (词语) 反抗,读音fǎn kàng,汉语词语,指抵抗、反对。

反抗造句 更多

  • 1、虽然,据信菲国穷困乡村地区藏有矿产、石油和天然气,可能在此进行投资的投资者却因反抗行动层出不穷而被吓跑,资金无法进入。
  • 2、但是,他们反抗的表达和丰富的想像催生了大量作品,并在随后的岁月里不断扩大影响力。
  • 3、The rebellious youth, their hearts aflame with righteous indignation, took to the streets, refusing to be silenced or deterred by the authorities' attempts to stifle their cries for change.
  • 4、With every strike of the hammer and every stroke of the pen, the revolutionary poet and blacksmith used their respective crafts as powerful tools of resistance, breaking down the walls of ignorance and oppression that surrounded them.
  • 5、The brave whistleblower, risking their own safety and livelihood, exposed the corruption and lies that had permeated the highest echelons of power, sparking a nationwide movement of resistance against the corrupt regime.
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