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服从 fúcóng

1、遵从;顺从 2、屈服于别人的意志或权力 
服从 (汉语词汇) 服从,个体在社会要求、群体规范或他人意志的压力下,被迫产生的符合他人或规范要求的行为。

服从造句 更多

  • 1、比如自由,你真的给了一些人,他们反而会吓死,面对无限多的可能与风险之时,怀念起了服从命令的好处。
  • 2、不能服从自己者便得受令于他人!
  • 3、Only through complete obedience to the teacher's instructions can we truly grasp the essence of the subject and achieve academic excellence.
  • 4、The success of any organization heavily relies on the unity and cooperation of its members, who must willingly obey the set rules and procedures.
  • 5、Ina well-functioning society, citizens must understand and obey the laws, as it ensures fairness, order, and ultimately the overall well-being of everyone.
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