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工业国造句 更多

  • 1、好端端的一个富庶繁荣的工业国,仅仅在一夜之间就被瓜分豆剖而破产萧条了。
  • 2、他们决心把落后的农业国变为先进的工业国.
  • 3、Intoday's globalized world, being recognized as a powerful industrial nation not only brings economic prosperity but also symbolizes the strength and innovation of a country's workforce and its ability to adapt to change.
  • 4、The transformation of a developing nation into an industrial powerhouse requires a combination of strategic planning, investment in infrastructure, and a skilled workforce committed to the advancement of technology and manufacturing excellence.
  • 5、Aighly developed industrial nation not only provides job opportunities for its people but also fosters a sense of national pride and unity as citizens witness the tangible results of their collective efforts in the form of cutting-edge products and infrastructure.
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