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救亡图存 jiù wáng tú cún

《鬼谷子 中经》:“圣人所贵道微妙者,诚以其可以转危为安,救亡使存也。”

救亡图存造句 更多

  • 1、吃牛派有美英的强硬后台,把歪理说得头头是道,救亡图存压力下的中国维新一派鹦鹉学舌,也对自己吃猪肉的习惯加以鞭挞,对牛肉大吹法螺。
  • 2、与此相反,京师沦陷以后的江南各地,涌现出不少精忠报国、救亡图存的志士仁人,其中首推抗清扶明到底、收复失地*弯的郑成功。
  • 3、Asthe economy faces a downturn and unemployment rates rise, it is crucial for the government and citizens to work hand in hand, with a strong determination of "救亡图存", in order to revive the nation's prosperity and secure a brighter future for all.
  • 4、The devastating effects of natural disasters call for immediate action and a collective effort to save lives and rebuild what has been destroyed, embodying the spirit of "救亡图存" to ensure the survival and well-being of affected communities.
  • 5、Intimes of crisis, leaders must demonstrate courage and resilience, inspiring their followers with a vision of "救亡图存" and instilling a sense of hope, in order to navigate through challenges and emerge stronger as a nation.
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