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暴食 bàoshí

暴食 暴食,又称为神经性贪食症,是进食障碍的两大主要综合征之一,是一种反复出现的发作性暴食,并有过分控制体重的观念为特征的综合征。青少年后期或成年早期是多发群体。 多数病人要住院治疗,严重者需强制入院。也可以用心理治疗、药物治疗、躯体支持治疗等。

暴食造句 更多

  • 1、初秋季节,气温相对较高,生津养阴的食品最适合秋天食用,煎炸食品尽量少吃或者不吃,进补也以清补为主,不可暴饮暴食
  • 2、不可狂饮暴食浪费了其中的滋味。
  • 3、Hecouldn't control his impulses, and his overwhelming desire for food led him into a vicious cycle of binge eating, leaving him trapped in the depths of his own gluttony.
  • 4、The sweet aroma of freshly baked pastries lured her into a state of uncontrollable indulgence, as she succumbed to the pleasure of every bite, unable to quell the insatiable hunger within.
  • 5、With each bite, a surge of guilt and shame washed over him, as he desperately tried to fill the void in his soul with mounds of food, unaware that true contentment could never be found in the bottom of a food container.
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