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横剖面造句 更多

  • 1、宣威火腿个大骨小、皮薄肉厚,横剖面肉色鲜艳,红白分明,瘦肉呈桃红色,其味咸香带甜,肥肉肥而不腻。
  • 2、喀喇一声,竹竿从横剖面分成两半,一半掉在地上,另一半还在荣久手中。
  • 3、The geologists carefully examined the rock's horizontal cross-section, revealing intricate layers that told the story of millions of years of geological activity.
  • 4、Asthe surgeon made an incision along the patient's abdomen, she marveled at the intricate complexity of the body's horizontal cross-section, a beautiful reminder of the miracle of life.
  • 5、With a chisel in hand, the sculptor meticulously carved the marble block, shaping it into a stunning sculpture that showcased the beauty of the human form in a horizontal cross-section.
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